紐時賞析/美國會憂AI生化武器問世 頂尖科學家簽協議規範研究發展

紐時賞析/美國會憂AI生化武器問世 頂尖科學家簽協議規範研究發展

超過90名生物學家及其他專精人工智慧設計新蛋白質的科學家,已簽署一項協議,尋求確保他們由人工智慧輔助的研究能在不對世界造成嚴重損害狀況下繼續發展。AI示意圖。 (聯合報系資料庫)

Dozens of Top Scientists Sign Effort to Prevent Artificial Intelligence Bioweapons

頂尖科學家籤協議 阻AI生化武器問世

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Dario Amodei, CEO of high-profile artificial intelligence startup Anthropic, told Congress last year that new AI technology could soon help unskilled but malevolent people create large-scale biological attacks.


Senators from both parties were alarmed, while AI researchers in industry and academia debated how serious the threat might be.

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Now, more than 90 biologists and other scientists who specialize in AI technologies used to design new proteins — the microscopic mechanisms that drive all creations in biology — have signed an agreement that seeks to ensure that their AI-aided research will move forward without exposing the world to serious harm.


The biologists, who include Nobel laureate Frances Arnold and represent labs in the United States and other countries, also argued that the latest technologies would have far more benefits than negatives, including new vaccines and medicines.


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“As scientists engaged in this work, we believe the benefits of current AI technologies for protein design far outweigh the potential for harm, and we would like to ensure our research remains beneficial for all going forward,” the agreement reads.


The agreement does not seek to suppress the development or distribution of AI technologies. Instead, the biologists aim to regulate the use of equipment needed to manufacture new genetic material.

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This DNA manufacturing equipment is ultimately what allows for the development of bioweapons, said David Baker, director of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington, who helped shepherd the agreement.


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“Protein design is just the first step in making synthetic proteins,” he said. “You then have to actually synthesize DNA and move the design from the computer into the real world — and that is the appropriate place to regulate.”


The biologists called for the development of security measures that would prevent DNA manufacturing equipment from being used with harmful materials — though it is unclear how those measures would work. They also called for safety and security reviews of new AI models before releasing them.

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They did not argue that the technologies should be bottled up.


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“These technologies should not be held only by a small number of people or organizations,” said Rama Ranganathan, a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Chicago, who signed the agreement.

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